emmett sparling

Emmett Sparling is a photographer and director based out of Vancouver Canada. His photography work covers a wide range of subjects from Landscapes, Wildlife Underwater, Portraits, and the travel adventure content he shares every day on instagram.

Emmett has been traveling full time around the globe since 2016, capturing the beauty of our planet and telling the stories within the landscapes he explores. 
With an audience of 1 million people on social media, Emmett uses his influence for positive impact storytelling as well as teaching photography.

Partnerships & Trusted Clients

films & awards

I specialize in engaging storytelling and creating social media campaigns to help these brands reach the largest audiences possible. I come from a background in fashion photography which gives me experience with portraits, lifestyle and product shoots, as well as the travel/adventure content I share every day on my Instagram.

I’m always keen to discuss creative ways that we can work together.


articles, podcasts & press

Emmett Sparling is a renowned travel photographer, videographer and creative. Specializing in engaging storytelling that reaches millions.